VOTTOO Ripley Spock VOTTOO Ripley Spock

Meet the VOTTOO

Blast off on a wild ride through spacetime with the VOTTOO – Vacationing Outlaws Time Traveling on Offworld Odysseys.

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Blade Lando Blade Lando

Meet Talock

Talock is a fierce and imposing warrior who strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Venea

Venea is a fearless and determined explorer who is always up for a challenge, no matter how dangerous it may be.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Alvin

Alvin is a quirky and eccentric inventor who is constantly tinkering with new gadgets and gizmos.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie


Olexa is a stoic and disciplined warrior who follows a strict code of honor and ethics.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Kjell

Kjell is a soft-spoken and introspective artist who expresses herself through her creations.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Klaatu

Klaatu is a proud and honorable warrior who fights with courage and determination.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Tyrell

Tyrell is a stoic and analytical strategist who is always thinking several steps ahead.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Grim

Grim is a dreamy and introspective philosopher who spends his days contemplating the mysteries of the universe.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Vesper

Vesper is a wise and contemplative philosopher who seeks to understand the mysteries of the universe.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Orion

Orion is a sturdy and reliable worker who approaches every task with diligence and determination.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Oxa

Oxa is a creative and artistic dreamer who is always searching for new ways to express herself.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Yaceal

Yaceal is a wise and compassionate healer who uses her advanced knowledge of medicine and biology to help those in need.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Nova

Nova is a free-spirited and carefree adventurer who loves to explore new places and meet new people.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Starck

Starck is a disciplined and pragmatic strategist who always has a plan for every situation.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Aqua

Aqua is a disciplined and focused scientist who is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of her people.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Xan

Xan is a mysterious and enigmatic mystic who possesses a deep understanding of the spiritual realm.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Pava

Pava is a gentle and nurturing caretaker who is devoted to the well-being of all living beings.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Xabat

Xabat is a mysterious and enigmatic wanderer who is always searching for new experiences and adventures.

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Leia Curie Leia Curie

Meet Titan

Titan is a daring and adventurous explorer who is always pushing the limits of what is possible.

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