Meet Zoddit

Zoddit is a fiery and impulsive warrior who charges into battle with reckless abandon. His courage and determination make him a formidable opponent, but his hot-headedness often gets him into trouble.

Zoddit is from a planet known for its harsh and unforgiving environment. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is fiercely loyal to his friends and allies and will stop at nothing to protect them. His skill with weapons and hand-to-hand combat is unmatched, and he is always seeking out new challenges to prove his worth as a warrior.

Despite his impulsive nature, Zoddit has a strong moral compass and a deep sense of justice. He has a particular disdain for those who abuse their power and prey on the weak, and he will not hesitate to intervene and stop them.

Zoddit's intimidating appearance often causes others to fear or avoid him, but those who take the time to get to know him discover a complex and multi-faceted individual. He has a love for music and art and a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of his planet. He is also fiercely protective of his family and clan and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.

While Zoddit's impulsiveness can sometimes lead him astray, his strength, loyalty, and sense of justice make him a valuable ally and friend to those who earn his trust. Leave behind the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary - join Zoddit on his next adventure.

VOTTOO – Vacationing Outlaw Time Travelers on Offworld Odysseys
Leia Curie

Leia Curie is a fearless scientific journalist who is known for her deeply personal approach to storytelling. Though she follows the tenets of gonzo journalism to a degree, Leia's work is not just about sensationalism or shock value. Instead, she puts herself in the middle of things and delivers work that is as personal as it is informative. Leia is willing to head directly into the fray to get the story by any means necessary, regardless of the political spectrum. Her investigations aren't funded by a major news service or magazine, which allows her obsession with truth and knowledge to drive her work. Leia is an eager detective driven by mysteries with outrageous implications, and she is not afraid of exposing misinformation or conspiracies that promise immortality. With her unique approach to storytelling and her unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth, Leia Curie is a rising star in the world of science journalism.


Meet Shahmie


Meet Cando