Meet Torion

Torion is a curious and experimental scientist who is always pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Her unorthodox methods and radical ideas have earned her both admirers and detractors.

Torion is a brilliant and creative mind who approaches science with a sense of wonder and curiosity. She is always seeking to understand the unknown and unlock the secrets of the universe. Her insatiable thirst for knowledge has led her to explore many uncharted territories and tackle some of the most complex scientific problems of her time.

Despite her unconventional approach to science, Torion's contributions to her field are widely recognized and respected. Her groundbreaking research has led to numerous breakthroughs in fields such as quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and molecular biology. Her ability to think outside the box and see things from a different perspective has inspired many young scientists to follow in her footsteps.

Despite her many accomplishments, Torion remains humble and grounded, always willing to collaborate and share her knowledge with others. Her passion for science and desire to make the world a better place are infectious, and she is widely regarded as a mentor and role model to many aspiring scientists.

Join Torion on her next offworld odyssey and experience the thrill of adventure for yourself.

VOTTOO – Vacationing Outlaw Time Travelers on Offworld Odysseys
Leia Curie

Leia Curie is a fearless scientific journalist who is known for her deeply personal approach to storytelling. Though she follows the tenets of gonzo journalism to a degree, Leia's work is not just about sensationalism or shock value. Instead, she puts herself in the middle of things and delivers work that is as personal as it is informative. Leia is willing to head directly into the fray to get the story by any means necessary, regardless of the political spectrum. Her investigations aren't funded by a major news service or magazine, which allows her obsession with truth and knowledge to drive her work. Leia is an eager detective driven by mysteries with outrageous implications, and she is not afraid of exposing misinformation or conspiracies that promise immortality. With her unique approach to storytelling and her unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth, Leia Curie is a rising star in the world of science journalism.


Meet Crux


Meet Brel